Tucker County Floodplain Administration
Shawn Marker, Administrator
215 First Street
Parsons, WV 26287
Telephone: 304.478.3727 ext 5322
Hours: 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday thru Friday
“The purpose of the Tucker County Floodplain Administration is to ensure proper precautions are taken to eliminate, or reduce injury or death of people and damage to property due to flooding. This is accomplished by a permitting process which is used to determine the floodplain status of any development in the county. If it is determined that the development is not in, or near, the Special Flood Hazard Area, development can continue following whatever other ordinances or regulations may apply. However, if the development is within, or near, the Special Flood Hazard Area, additional requirements of the county’s Floodplain Ordinance will apply – in addition to any other ordinances or regulations that may be applicable. These additional requirements are what we hope will save lives, injury, and property in the event of flooding.
All development in the County requires a Development Permit before proceeding with development. For development within a municipality (Davis, Hambleton, Hendricks, Parsons, and Thomas), permitting should be done through your town. Any development outside a municipality (including Canaan Valley Zoning District) will require a Development Permit from the County Planner Office.
You may download, view and print, the County Floodplain Ordinance and the development Permit Application below. You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to open, view and print these files.”
Available information and forms: